Performance can be monitored for different classes of traffic ( such as high, medium, and low priority) over the same connection. 对于同一个连接,可以针对不同的通信级别进行性能监视(例如高、中和低优先级)。
Valid priority values are1 ( for High), 2 ( for Medium), or3 ( for Low). 有效的优先级值是1(High)、2(Medium)或3(Low)。
The red and green flag icons before the words "High Priority" and "Medium Priority," in this case, actually have the same meaning as the words, so the icons are non-functional or redundant. 在词语“高优先级”和“中等优先级”前的红色和绿色标志图标,其实与词语意思相同,因此这些图标就是非功能性的或者说是冗余的。
But it is also critical that we push ahead with more medium term actions to make agriculture a priority. 但是,我们推进把农业作为一个优先事项的中期措施也很关键。
In the medium to long term, the biggest priority is to release energy constraints on growth. 就中长期而言,最需要做的就是解除能源对增长的限制。
The medium and high merchandise is priority when choosing a type of PC products and the tower type of server is priority when choosing a type of server. PC产品的选型以中高端商用产品为主,服务器的选择则以塔式级服务器为主。
As a "new core of power" generally accepted in modem society, medium has infiltrated into every aspect of our life and medium power has been given priority day by day in cultural and communication studies. 媒介作为当今社会已被认同的新的权力核心渗透于生活的各个方面,媒介权力在文化研究和传播学研究领域也日益受到重视。
A Method of the Medium Access Control Based on Distributed Dynamical Priority Queue 基于分布式动态优先权队列的媒体访问控制协议
The Medium and Low Priority streams can support fixed outdoor reception. 中优先级和低优先级码流可支持室外固定接收。
When people consequently exploit super short wave and microwave radio frequency band for Communication capacity and multimedia facilities, the traditional long wave communication and medium one lost original priority, and they only can be used for some special occasion. 当人们为了追求通信容量和多种业务,不断地开发超短波、微波等更高的无线电频段时,传统的长波、中波通信因为失去原有的优势,只能在特殊的场合找到应用。
The Medium and Long Term Development Plan of China also gives high priority to medical electronic technology. 我国国家中长期发展规划纲要也对于事关人们健康的医疗电子技术的发展给予高度重视。
As to the mixed medium, glucose consumption took priority, and after a certain delayed phase about 24h, the strain began to use xylose. The final total sugar utilization could reach 99%. 结果表明,在混合培养基中,粘红酵母优先将葡萄糖消耗完毕,经过约24h的胞内代谢系统调整期开始利用木糖,最终总糖利用率可达99%以上。
So, looking for high dielectric medium material of the gate became a top priority. 所以,找寻高介电的栅介质材料就成了当务之急。